Since his departure from Moja LOVE, drug busting presenter Xolani Khumalo has made some shocking headlines. The latest is that the channel made a shocking discovery that another production company is shooting a show under the guise of Sizok’thola and in the process, breaking the law. It has further come to light that the show is being shot by former
presenter Xolani Khumalo and crew.
Moja LOVE said, they parted ways with Xolani Khumalo last year following concerns and questioning him about his knowledge and involvement in the unlawful incidents that led to the possible contamination of crime scenes, failed prosecutions of known drug lords, and unfortunate tragedies that followed the filming of certain episodes. “Moja LOVE has been receiving complaints about unfortunate incidents during filming from The Consulate General of Nigeria and the Embassy of the DRC about their citizens who have been attacked during filming,” their statement reads.
Moja LOVE said, they would like to set the record straight that it is not the channel’s property
that has been filming and distances itself from the rogue activities. “Sizok’thola is the intellectual property of Moja LOVE and Xolani Khumalo is using the concept of the channel, which amounts to breaking the law. The channel has sent him a letter of cease and desist and we will do everything in power, within the law, to stop him,” the statement continues. “The channel will be meeting with The Consulate General of Nigeria and the DRC Ambassador as soon as possible to address the matter and clear its name. We appeal to the public to report any illegal activity to the police.”
They went on to say, “A few weeks ago, the channel announced the new presenter of the third season of Sizok’thola, Xolani Maphanga, and how it has included best practices during filming.
As a channel, we are deeply invested in contributing positively to our society and we are aware of the impact of drugs, especially on the youth,” they revealed. Through Sizok’thola, we are exposing the intensity of the problem and are tackling it within the confines of the law and working closely with law enforcement.”