The mother of his third-born child is accusing him of assault. This came to be after rapper Mthembeni “Emtee” Ndevu went live on his Instagram one evening asking what his mother-in-law was doing at his house in the night. “To protect my child. What, you want to hit us?” the mother-in-law asked. His wife, a pregnant Nicole Chinsamy then showed a picture of her bruised face from her phone saying that the rapper beat her on Valentine’s Day. “This is what he did to me. Show them what you did to me, how you beat me up on Valentine’s Day. Here’s the proof. He beat me up while I’m seven months pregnant.” Emtee denied ever laying a hand on Nicole.
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A few days later, Nicole opened a case of assault at the Midrand Police station. Police spokesperson Mavela Masondo tells Buzz Life News that a case was opened and the rapper appeared in court. “He handed himself in, he was not arrested. He was taken to the Midrand Magistrate Cirt where the ca sews postponed.”

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When called for comment Emtee says he was not put in a police van and he was never arrested. “That is the narrative people want to potray of me,” he says. “They always want me to lose and be the bad guy. I never beat her and I went to the police station with my lawyer,” she says. “I handed myself in technically and then went to court where the date was moved.” Emtee says the bruises on Nicole was him defending himself when she came “charging for him.” “She is the one that is violent, she can never say that I beat her. I didn’t hit her. She is violent. I would not hit a pregnant woman. I don’t beat women.,” he adds. Emtee has in the past accused Nicole of violence and sending her brother, mother and uncle on him. He accused Nicol’s mother of choking him. “They always threaten me and I am tired.” The rapper has since moved out of their home. “I love my kids. But I can’t handle the abuse form her anymore. I don’t want this relationship anymore.” Emtee is not sure how far pregnant Nicole is. “I have not been keeping track because of the fights. I want to be there, but she is always angry and fighting.”