It’s been just over 3 months since the launch of The Black Door, and tongues have certainly been wagging. And now, Monday, 8 August brings SK Khoza as a fresh face on the show, giving viewers even more reason to watch as he plays the role of Sabelo.

Sabelo’s character aims to reveal the truth behind Mam Reb’s cutthroat nature, and allow viewers to tap into Boniswa as an emotional, spoilt, but real-life woman and mother.

He makes friends with Khaya and they experience situations that tie them together as if they were of the same blood, and they share one mission.

But what exactly do they have in common?

This emerging tele-drama broke television stereotypes and norms, giving rise to a new era in late night viewing.

There’s a world behind The Black Door filled with a stellar cast, including legendary names, well-known faces and some newcomers. The performances are spellbinding, emotional and provocative, with the power to take you into a world you cannot even begin to imagine, leaving you curious for more.

SK as Sabelo will drive the story into avenues viewers have been questioning and thinking about, such as Boniswa’s father / Mam Reb’s husband’s story, as we get to experience The Black Door as more than just a place of sexual pleasure.

Monday, 8th August will bring a fresh dramatic direction to this already controversial tele-drama.

SK joins The Black Door on this Monday at 9.30PM, and you can follow his journey every single weeknight.

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