On Saturday 28 November, Hunter’s fans were treated to an exclusive launch event to officially welcome the new Hunter’s Red Apple to the Hunter’s range. The event was packed with entertainment from Jovis, Deniece Marz, Kyotic, DJ PH and Nadia Nakai who has been appointed as part of the Hunter’s Red Apple family for the foreseeable future.
Hunter’s has taken refreshment to even greater heights with the launch of Hunter’s Red Apple. “Hunter’s Red Apple is crisp and refreshing with all kinds of succulent, sweet red apple notes, complemented by a sweet-sour mouth-watering taste sensation with a berry nose finish”, says Anita Mubangizi, Marketing Manager for Hunter’s at Distell. “Throughout the evening, guests were treated to delicious desserts to reflect these tastes through red candy apples, macaroons, doughnuts and many more.”
With a completely different look compared to the existing range of Hunter’s it is exciting to offer Red Apple to everyone who enjoys natural sweet red apple and berry flavours. Having a variety of refreshment options available is always great when it comes to different occasions, different seasons and also different personalities. Hunter’s is after all the cider that refreshes like nothing on earth and now the net can be spread wider.
“Understanding the times we are living in upon arrival guests were scanned, sanitised, registered and given an additional facial mask for wearing throughout the evening. With numerous sanitising stations across the venue, guests were encouraged to take the greatest care throughout the evening and with various sections with seating and ample outdoor space, guests were able to follow social distancing guardrails while enjoying the time with Hunter’s”, added Mubangizi.
If you are excited about Hunter’s Red Apple keep a look out for the different opportunities to taste this bold new flavour and competitions running. You stand a chance to win big with the bold Red Apple Summer Promotion running until 31 December 2020. All the competition details are available on Hunter’s social media platforms.