The Market Theatre Foundation, in commemoration of the 200th year of Basotho, presents a special staged reading of Dr Jerry Mofokeng Wa Makhetha’s work-in-progress, Mantsopa.

The staged reading explores Mantsopa’s pivotal role as a prophet who spiritually guided King Moshoeshoe through tumultuous times and difficult decisions with her accurate visions. With this reading, Jerry Mofokeng Wa Makhetha aims to pay tribute to the unsung heroism of women like Mantsopa, who are often overshadowed by men in the history books.

The reading will also coincide with the 58th Anniversary of Lesotho’s independence from British colonial rule in 1966, making the performance of Mantsopa a significant milestone in documenting the history of Basotho. The event promises to be an artistic representation of the history of Basotho, a moment of reflection about the current state of Lesotho, and a joyous celebration of Basotho’s cultural heritage.

The Market Theatre remains the home of compelling local stories. This collaboration with Dr Jerry is an indication of the theatre’s commitment to the development of local content.

Dr Jerry has had a long relationship with the theatre, starting with his stint as Resident Director and through his production, Boesman en Lena.

The production incorporates musical sounds that will excite Basotho and all who enjoy their sounds. Although this is a reading, we expect you to sing along a few times, and go home humming a tune with a good sense of what is to come. So, put on your Seshoeshoe (traditional dress) or kobo (blanket) and join mokete (feast) at mabaleng (grounds) of The Market Theatre.

Date: 5 October 2024

Time: 14h00 for 15h00

Venue:  John Kani Theatre

Mantsopa is set to be an engaging experience  with musical elements that will leave you humming Basotho tunes long after. Guests are expected to show up in their traditional Seshoeshoe or kobo to join in this cultural celebration!

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