Dr Senathi Fisha says its time South Africa welcomes a female president
The President of All Citizens Party (ACP) leader Dr Senathi Fisha is serious about cleaning up the country of illegal immigration and vows to apply the law strictly on the issue if she is elected to office, she wants employment for the youth and an increase in grants.
With the 27.7 million registered voters, she hopes to get 10 national seats and three per each five provinces. “I feel like president already because people have been waiting for change, now it’s time for a woman to take over. I see ACP take over!” Dr Fisha says.
ACP leader says her party’s main mission is to focus on change in leadership and for women to be given the power to lead. “My party is a newborn there has never been any downfall. I’m on the ground talking to people and telling them about change as we speak.” She also wishes to create over 1.3 million jobs. “We also wish to scrape credit blacklisting immediately. South Africans are living in debt and beyond their means and we need them to get financial literacy.”