Mzansi stars donate blankets, uniforms, and food parcels to the community of Sebokeng ahead of the cold Gauteng winter, including the likes of Sonia Mbele, Sydney Ramakuela, Themba ‘SkeemGP’ Lukhele Nzimande, AirBurn Sounds, Master KG, and Jelly Babie.
As winter approaches, many families struggle to make ends meet. The NJM Foundation has partnered with Mzansi celebrities to prepare those in need for the cold winter ahead, by donating blankets, food parcels, and winter uniforms to learners in Sebokeng.
Why did you decide to be part of this initiative?
I’ve always supported initiatives like this one, so it was a complete no-brainer…I was raised in a family of community leaders so giving back is in my DNA. This is close to my heart.
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What is the importance of giving back?
We are not a set of fingers on a hand which means we’re not all blessed or cannot prosper the same. I always say to my friends especially those who are blessed with wealth… “Learn to give back because you’re blessed for a reason and those who are blessed need to be a blessing to others”!
What more do you think is needed in developing our communities?
The little that one can do in their corners to help goes a long way. Helping is not only in the form of money donations but giving one time to help improve where they are contributing to the bigger picture. As a country, we still have a long way to go, in improving our schools, public hospitals, and mostly our mentalities towards planning for the future.
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What is the one thing you wish you learned earlier about giving?
I was raised to give and over the years, I’ve collaborated with plenty of NGOs/NPOs I just wish I started my own earlier. There is a sense of reward in giving back. Sharing the little one allows room for abundance.
What are your plans for this year?
Work smart not as hard as I did in the past years. New productions, and not over plan.
And what have been your highlights thus far?
My work always speaks for itself so if you haven’t seen or heard anything from me is because you’re looking in the wrong places or my presence hasn’t touched you yet, but it will soon enough.