Prince Azenathi Dalindyebo happy after results come out positive as the son of Kind Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo

After years of fighting about whether AbaThembu King, Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo is the biological father of Prince Azenathi Dalindyebo. The war is finally over after DNA results show that he is indeed the father.

On 12 December, the Royal House revealed during a press conference at a Mthatha hotel that AbaThembu King, Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, who was not present is Prince Azenathi Dalindyebo’s father with mom Queen Nocollege Dalindyebo. This is after years of denying his paternity and having him removed as acting King while he was in prison for three years.

King Dalindyebo was arrested after the court found him guilty of seven counts of kidnapping, three of arson, one of culpable homicide, and one of defeating the ends of justice, this is after he was reported to have kidnapped a woman and her six children and set their home on fire after assaulting them. King Dalindyebo had ransacked Azenathi’s home and was reported to have kicked him out. Nkosi Mtirara, spokesperson of the Royal Hose said he hopes that matter can now be put to bed. “The results are out, the system does not lie, and what we need to do is accept it and fix what has been broken.”

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